Sunday Service 10:30 a.m
7 Mechanic Street, Norwood, NY
(315) 353-5054


Grace Bible Fellowship is a non-denominational church based in Norwood, NY, that desires to help believers grow in their faith and to help those wondering who Jesus is and why should they want to follow him?

Many have never heard about Jesus or heard as a child but set Him aside when life got busy. Others may have had an unsettling experience and refused to darken the door of a church again—much less follow Him. Regardless of your experience, God loves you and seeks after people just like you. The sinner, the wounded, the sick, the searching, the confused, the lonely, and the rejected.  Then there are those who wonder if they can return to the One who saved them when they walked away years ago.

Come and meet Jesus Christ, the One who changed us and gave us a reason to follow Him.  We'd be happy to introduce you to Him.

How did we choose the name: Grace Bible Fellowship?

"Grace" because of God's amazing grace in our lives in giving us salvation through Jesus Christ when we didn't deserve it.

"Bible" because our lives are dedicated to reading God's love letter to us so we can learn how to please Him and live with others.

"Fellowship" because every Christian desires the intimate relationship one with another in the Body of Christ.

That's it!  Grace Bible Fellowship


Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

"Mug n' Muffin" follows worship on the first Sunday of each month. Please join us for muffins, donuts, fruit, and coffee.

On Thursdays:
1. Men's Prayer at 6:15 pm in the back room.

2. Music practice at 6:15 pm in main room.

3. Bible Study for all at 7:00 pm, in the main room. We are studying Revelation, especially the seven churches and church history. You are welcome to join us any Thursday.

Sunday evenings: The Young People's Bible Study meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 5:00 pm at the Morse's home. We are learning about "One Anothering" verses. This is a serious Bible study following the example of "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" from Luke 2:52. We want to prepare our young people for adulthood with wisdom and favor.


7 Mechanic Street

Norwood, New York

(formerly McCormick’s Grocery Store)

For more information call Dick or Sharon at 315-353-5054


There is a parking lot across from the church/fellowship hall and parking on Main Street or Mechanic Street.


Dick Bastille is the elder/shepherd as Grace Bible waits for God’s sending of fellow-workers into this body. He and his wife, Sharon, work as a team, similar to Priscilla and Aquila in the New Testament, as they follow God into the winter of their lives.

Dick is a carpenter, writer, artist, puppeteer, and enjoys long walks. Sharon is a homemaker, an event planner, and likes to gather people together. Together they homeschooled their five married children, have seventeen grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. One son and one great-grandson are waiting in heaven.

They can be reached at 315-353-5054 (home) or 315-261-4203 (work)

What We Believe

Structure & Mission

We are autonomous and hold to Biblical doctrine and policies. Our elders/shepherds are appointed by the body of Grace Bible. Our mission statement is to “Love God” (Matt. 22:37), “Love One Another” (Matt. 22:39, John 15:12), and “Make Disciples” (Matt. 28:18-20).


Our vision is “holding forth the word of life” (Phil. 2:16) that each of us might “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). We want to become godly, responsible, and productive in our Christian walk.