Sunday Service 10:30 a.m
7 Mechanic Street, Norwood, NY
(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Showing posts from August 2020.

The mantel clock that I rescued from a flea market hums and rattles quietly over the fireplace. Last year it sat forlornly on a jumbled counter among other flotsam. Its wooden casing looked like it had a skin disease, with its finish all cracked and peeling. Its face and inside works dangled collapsed inside. Its…

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“I have esteemed the words of [God’s] mouth more than my necessary food.” These words are spoken by Job as he defends himself from the accusations of his three friends, who are trying to explain his sufferings. My subject is not Job’s sufferings, but the necessity of the spiritual nourishment that God’s word provides. What…

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