Sunday Service 10:30 a.m
7 Mechanic Street, Norwood, NY
(315) 353-5054

Blog“In Season and Out of Season”

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Ladies, are you feeling like you’ve been put in time out during this quarantine? Personally, I didn’t use time out with my children as I thought it best to deal with the issue immediately, administer appropriate discipline, and then it was over so both parties could get back to living. Why drag out a problem for an extended length of time? And yet, there were times when we used a time out to think about or consider what just happened and how it should dealt with appropriately and not in anger. Both sides took a few minutes to cool down first and then we attacked the problem. But that is not why I write you.

First, because of the extended quarantine that we find ourselves in, the Ladies Tea will not take place on Tuesday April 7th. I am disappointed but I know that God has yours and my best interest in mind and so we will take “time out.” I read a book by Dale Evans years ago and again recently called, “Time Out, Ladies.” And yes, I took my title from her.

In quietness and confidence shall be your strength

Second, it appears that God has actually given all of our country a time to reflect on what is important, what do we value, and how can we move on from here. “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength” says Isaiah 30:15. Can this be applied to our hearts that we might rest in God’s working around us to accomplish His will and thus our strength or ability to get through these days will be faced with quietness (peace) and confidence (hope)?

I find that my thoughts are continually toward God and I’m not alarmed by the voices shouting around me. “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” Ladies, let’s take this time out to draw closer to Him, knowing He cares for us.

Until the next time……Happy Trails and God be with you. Sharon
