Sunday Service 10:30 a.m
7 Mechanic Street, Norwood, NY
(315) 353-5054

Blog“In Season and Out of Season”

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Back in 1999, we gave my parents a 5oth wedding anniversary party.  One of the gifts to them was a video of pictures taken throughout the years set to favorite background music.  After the wonderful celebration, I was reflecting and wrote the following that had transpired while putting the pictures together.  I hope it resonates with you somehow.

“As I was looking at the pictures of years past, I would often show them to others, and I noticed something. Upon seeing the polite interest of friends, I began to see the photos through their eyes.  Sometimes the faces were dark, or there was too much sun.  The object was not centered, or maybe just too far away.  I realized that what I saw was a treasure memory, they saw a poorly taken picture.

seeing their polite interest, I began to see the photos through their eyes

I wondered then if that might be true concerning our relationship with Jesus and the cross He bore.  Unbelievers see a wooden cross, but we see our sins forgiven.  During a communion service, others may see only bread and wine (grape juice), but we see Jesus broken for our sins, the blood that cleanses, and the reminder that He is coming again.

What do you “see” when you look at the pictures of your life?  A memory of beautiful worth, or how poor the photograph is?  What about the cross?  Do you see wood, or your sins forgiven?  I see beautiful memories and my sins forgiven.”
